As with all building projects I have ever known, this one is over budget. Major drains have been personnel costs (I've been happy to have the help, but it's spendy), and the semi-unexpected need to repair a bunch of water-damaged wallboard (correlated to personnel costs).
But we are closing in on floor-grind and stain. I'm upbeat, but maybe I'm stupid...
I think we're going to have to slow down a bit, as the burn rate was a touch high, but most of the big-ticket items are purchased. We've just got to pace the rest so we keep a cushion in case we suddenly have to spend a bunch on adoption stuff (Hopefully there will be some milestones coming up on this road...)
Then cabinets. I realize it's only been 2.5 weeks that we've owned the house. It seems an eternity...
One last thing: oregano oil kicks butt. Jr. got a cold on Wednesday last week, I started feeling snuffy Friday, and began gargling oregano oil once or twice a day. It burns like none other, but I feel fine, except in the mornings before I gargle. Pro tip: only use 2-3 drops. First time I did it I used 5, and had to gargle it in four goes. That hurt.
That oregano oil was SO worth the $20.